Overall process

I will come into your home with fresh eyes and new ideas to help you gain control of your space. I will work with you in no pressure environment to guide you in your organizational journey. We will declutter, organize and create systems that make sense to you and are easy for you to maintain.

How long is a session?

A typical session runs 2-4 hours. Hours are adjusted based on client needs.

How long will it take?

It is hard to determine an exact time. It depends on:

The size of the project we are tackling.

The number of boxes/containers to sort through.

How long it takes to put things away, separate items for donating/sale, etc.

The decisions are all yours- quick decisions make for quicker decluttering process.

Where do I start?

Sometimes this is the hardest part!

What area/room tends to make you feel the most overwhelmed?

What room do you spend the most time in?

What area, if it worked better for you, would make your daily life more efficient?

What if I don’t know what to do with something?

As we go through your space, there will be things that you are unsure what to do with or that may be stressful to make decisions about. It’s ok to have a “maybe” pile. Some things may be stored until you are ready to go through them. We will always start easy and move into the more difficult when you are ready.

Do I need to buy anything before you come?

NO!! There is no need to purchase anything prior to our sessions. We will work through your space, decluttering and evaluating your treasures along the way. We will first repurpose what you already have. If a new storage solution is needed, we will research together to find what best suits your needs and budget.

How much do you charge?

I charge by the hour and offer discounted, pre-paid hourly packages. (see pricing)

What else do you provide?

  • Delivery of items to chosen place for donation or recycling (1 load per session)
  • Continued support through email/text